Your Body as an Artwork...

14 February 2019


I AM often asked if exfoliation is a waste of time... NO! My answer is absolutely not. Exfoliating even once a week makes a real difference as sloughing off dead skin cells is like an artist preparing a canvas. Now is the time to discard those tights, boots and winter woollies and get into a good routine. Start by giving your skin a much-needed treat ready to greet the new season. 

So, why is exfoliation such a good idea?

It refines skin textureimproves circulation and stimulates cell renewal. The overall effect is to make the skin more receptive to deeper absorption of follow-on products... anti-ageing serum, moisturising lotion or penetrating oil.

Keeping the skin well hydrated and well nourished helps reduce signs of ageing and gives the skin a rejuvenating boost, much-needed during the winter months when central heating, cold weather and carb-heavy diet can lead to sluggish circulation and dull, dry skin.

Create your own 'body beautiful' canvas in three simple steps:

Step 1... set aside some #metime, light a fragranced candle and lock the bathroom door! Apply Body and Sole Exfoliant and polish the skin.

Step 2... relax into a warm bath to ease those aching muscles and reduce fluid retention (Anti-Stress Spa Bath) or soak away the cares of the day in B-Line Shower/Bath Creme

Step 3...Pat yourself dry and massage with nut-free Serenity or Anti-Stress Relaxation Oil. Even better, ask him or her to work over your shoulders and neck to relieve any tension that can cause headache and poor posture.. .enjoy!


Annette x